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   1 jUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjU
   1 ck catalouge (80 previous issues). I duly sent off my `3.50 for the next issue and then realised how overpriced OUTLET actually is. I was dismayed":
   1 Y`]`N`N`D`
   1 ;"{L9888 you lot don't like arcade games much do you... all your"'"reviews have been about obscure games that sold about four copies each. mention some real classics like r-type or robocop and keep us real speccy fans happy.   >":
   1 ;"{L9888 greetings amanda, do you know the address to write to"'"nathalie out of east enders as i want to give her one."'"she is so pretty and sweet and doesn't take any cheek"'"from the likes of tricky dicky or sanjay. even if she is a west ham supporter i'd still crawl over broken glass for her,   yours hopefully,    simon stott, nottingham.";
   1 ;"{L9888 Dear SC,"'" i was most entertained with the feature on board game"'"conversions and thought you could add these two to the list.  now, its not exactly a real board game but leisure"'"genius' scalextric could qualify as being just as point-"'"less to cover as subbuteo!  the game itself is terrible,"'"apart from the fact you can build your own tracks (and believe me, it's more entertaining than racing on them)."
   1 ;"{L9885 The Feature";
   1 ;"{L9885 Editorial and Contents blurb"
   1 ;"{L9885 Classic Software Review":
   1 ;"{L9885 COMPETITION   Win some Software"
   1 ;"{L9885 Amandas Diary"
   1 ;"{L9884 |THE LETTERS PAGE|";
   1 ;"{L9884 Bad Taste Software"
   1 ;"{L9882 WANTED: Arkanoid on +3 Disk. Send a blank 3.0 disk for all 7 previous copies of Sinclair Classic. Write to Jeff, 100 Petersham Rd, Nottingham NG10 4DG."
   1 ;"{L9882 In a pathetic attempt to get you bastards to write to us we are now experimenting with that tried"'"and tested formula of holding pointless boring"'"competitions. Answer the question below and win five programs of your choice:";
   1 ;"{L9882 Greetings kids, Amanda Panda, your new editor"'"here with the latest issue of SC - days to compile and only seconds to read. I'm looking for girls to"'"join me on the Speccies sexiest fanzine (and my"'"demo crew, the Knuckle Girls). Write to me with"'"your reviews and articles or samples of your"'"graphics/soundtracking and we'll take it from...."
   1 ;"{L9882 FS001 Waaaah Computer Game (Adventure)"'"FS002 Sinclair Classic #1"'"FS003 Sinclair Classic #2"'"FS004 F-Fonts Vol 1 (12 fonts)"'"FS005 Sinclair Classic #3"'"FS006 Sinclair Classic #4"'"FS007 Subbuteo Scoreboard"'"FS008 Sinclair Classic #5"'"FS009 F-Fonts Vol 2 (12 fonts)"'"FS010 Sinclair Classic #6"'"FS011 Sinclair Classic #7"'"FS012 Popsnog Demo (by Pandagirl)"'"FS013 Sinclair Classic #8"'"FS014 Viz Slideshow Demo (by Fudgepacker)"'"FS015 Vaseline Demo (by Pandagirl)"'"FS016 F-Fonts Vol 3 (8 PFN fonts)"
   1 ;"{L9882 2 Belvoir Rd, W.Bridgford"'"Nottingham NG2 5DL, ENGLAND"
   1 ;"{L9881 We all draw the line somewhere, from"'"the slobbering pervert to the insipid"'"tory voter so I'm not quite sure how"'"to approach the subject. It's an"'"important one though. Software, like"'"most popular mediums, will reflect"'"prevalent attitudes from the current"'"state of society."
   1 ;"{L9881 Send this man your entire belongings - he needs your help. He also wins the competition for being the most distant SC"'"reader, so one pristine collectors copy of ELITE is now on"'"its way to that fucking strange address."
   1 ;"{L9881 Opinions are like arseholes - everybodies got one. I think you should buy a megadrive and shove it up yours. Amandas"'"soundtracker tunes are needed for demos, not fanzines."
   1 ;"{L9881 Maybe if those bods who designed the spectrum had devoted a touch more memory to the screen display then we wouldn't have needed innovators like Don Priestly to get around the"'"attribute limitations. But I guess we're just lucky."''"In stripping down these graphics from the game screens, I"'"just about understood the technique used to send huge"'"colorful sprites lumbering and flying around the dark"'"damp castle. Just don't ask me to explain it..."
   1 ;"{L9881 Look in any back issue of the late Speccy mags and you'll"'"see loads of fanzines that announced their arrival in the"'"smalls, lasted one issue or maybe two, then vanished without so much as a comedy ploppy sound."''"OUTLET is made of sterner stuff, having lasted some seven years in tape/disk format. Essentially for the programming"'"side, each monthly issue is packed with routines, utilities,"'"small games, letters, adverts and features. The odd PD demo is also included."
   1 ;"{L9881 Just back from my summer holidays"'"and I'm itching to get back on me"'"Speccy. Who needs a never ending"'"stream of 9% lager, romantic walks"'"along the beach or checking out the"'"new art gallery in St.Ives when I"'"could sit in a small stuffy room in"'"south Nottingham playing Eric and"'"the Floaters. Well, it was a close run"'"thing but I needed a proper holiday"'"after four years of just pretending"'"to have one at the tories expense."
   1 ;"{L9881 Fuck off Dave -  she'd eat you alive. And if she is a West"'"Ham fan, she is dead anyway so I wouldn't worry about it."
   1 ;"yours sincerely, marin s,, cod 75445, sect 4, o.p.7, bucuresti.";
   1 ;"you have to start the whole game again";
   1 ;"which you have to sort out from the";
   1 ;"various items around you.":
   1 ;"to find a demo which had already been on a YS covertape in 1991! There have been several blinding demos this year alone without featuring things that are three years old! The utili-"'"ties were useful (as always) but the people at OUTLET really are taking the piss for charging this much for a collection"'"of PD programs. There are so many things that I'd like from OUTLETs back issues, and with a bit of hunting I'll get them all from libraries instead."
   1 ;"theo develegas also wrote some conversions including"'"nous (the mastermind colour peg game) and piggy punks which was a direct version of hungry hippos.  what can we expect next... bizzy buzzy bumbles?";
   1 ;"that difficult but do become frustrating when";
   1 ;"on your side, battling the 'evil' of communism. That sort of bullshit went out with Reagen and the Berlin wall. I think we can excuse War/Strategy games seeing as they are usually"'"based on real historic events - unless of course you're some American tosser still unable to come to terms with losing"'"Vietnam! They never miss a chance to twist that one... Any other drastic changes in software content you'd be hard"'"pressed to find."
   1 ;"of precision placing and timing (i.e. I havn't";
   1 ;"managed to finish it yet). The tasks are not";
   1 ;"k";" free"
   1 ;"it must be good. Sadly this isn't the case. Ms.Barker"'"struggles to fill her lines and I know for a fact that she"'"doesn't give two fucks for the Spectrum or knows much"'"about it anyway! Her close friend Stu Campbell would be a"'"much better choice. I enjoyed her work on YS very much but having found out it was just a blatent career move, what"'"the fuck is she doing as a Speccy club president?? Sort it"'"out Prism!"
   1 ;"i could mention tons of games that push the speccy to"'"the limit and knock spots off of something like 'their"'"finest hour' which only old twats play more than once."'"can we have some music to listen to whilst we are"'"reading the mag?    steve cheese, granadaland.";
   1 ;"huge ALCHEMIST RESEARCH library. For Spectrum users still"'"to discover his zest and generous nature for all things Z80, I envy you. The quaterly tape/disk Alch News comes free on"'"your own medium or subscribe for a year and wonder if he even manages to break even. The aim, from what I can make out, is to eventually make PD as free as possible to recieve."'"As one of lifes short haired hippies I stab the air with a"'"clenched fist to that one..."
   1 ;"few more DP obscurities."
   1 ;"feed the monster upstairs various meals";
   1 ;"down all the DK'Tronics";
   1 ;"dear sc,"'"Greetings from Romania!! You will be suprised to get a"'"letter from a perfect stranger. My name is Stanculescu Marin and I have a ZX Spectrum+ but I cannot find soft-"'"ware or peripherals in Romania. Please publish my name and address in your newsletter and tell that I need"'"software applications for Spectrum+ (microdrive, rom"'"carts, tapes, books and magazines). also i would like to subscribe to your newsletter but i don't know how to."
   1 ;"because you've cocked up with the eyeball squash."
   1 ;"around that re-dress the balance..."'"how about a game called 'McRipoff',"'"you play this concerned person who"'"is pissed off with McDonalds."'"Equipped with a few petrol bombs it's"'"your task to raze the local store to"'"ashes because they sell you crap at"'"vast prices, then want you out their"'"door as quickly as possible. It sure"'"beats the sickly Eco the Dolphin."
   1 ;"and Piranha games for a";
   1 ;"a magazine, completing this game involves alot";
   1 ;"You maybe thinking I should lighten up, stop looking too"'"deeply into things... I know what you mean only too well."'"Right-on liberals piss me off too. I'd like to see some games":
   1 ;"There are probably some very sick"'"home grown adventure games hidden"'"away in the odd shoe box never to"'"see the light of day. But if a well"'"known software house can release a"'"game about Jack the Ripper, why will"'"something like 'Murder on the Moors'"'"or 'God Told Me to Do It 128' still"'"make the front page of the Sun?"'"And it would you know, just try it"'"and see."
   1 ;"The usual competition rules apply, whatever the"'"fuck they are. The clue is: WANK FOOTBALL TEAM FROM THE EAST MIDLANDS. Entries by Sep 30th."
   1 ;"The Trap Door was a kids tv show that has now"'"passed through the hole in the wall marked 'CULT'."'"Roughly translated that means: Kids didn't under-"'"stand or like it and adults think its neat. It was a"'"riot of colour plastercine animation with a hint of"'"saucy double meanings. And yes, it WAS great!"
   1 ;"SPECTRUM UK is a 'tangible' fan/magazine (i.e. you can roll it up and squash insects with it). The enthusiasm from the writers really drive the magazine along. The latest issue,"'"number 8, is the last to be A5 in size. The enlarged version will be a pound dearer but then paper doesn't grow on trees (TM crap remark). What is certain is that I get nothing but good vibes from this mag. It blows its own trumpet loud"'"enough to break windows but you probably need to to cut"'"through the apathy that is out there."
   1 ;"Prism PD runs its own bi-monthly magazine called PD POWER which comes with an optional covermount tape/disk. It has"'"the looks only a mother could love but quite a good read is to be had. Ex-YS Editor, Linda Barker writes a column so":
   1 ;"Oh, I did promise the regulars an in depth look at football"'"management games for this issue. Shall I save it for issue 9 or shall I spill the beans and name the ultimate 48k sim to"'"beat all management sims? Well actually there isn't one -"'"they are all flawed! I've been spoiled with playing Premier"'"Manager 2 on the PC - why can't we have something like"'"that on a 128K?"
   1 ;"Most of Don Priestly' games have featured these big colour-"'"ful sprites including Popeye, the curious Benny Hills Madcap Chase, and Trap Doors sequel, Through the Trap Door. Go back in time a little more and you unearth some great, if a"'"little off-beat, titles like Minder (a cockney adventure!) and Dictator, which first appeared on the ZX81 and had you"'"running a banana republic. Originality with winsome appeal"'"certainly set him apart from most programmers."
   1 ;"Keep your fingers crossed that their plans for a Spec-only fair in the Leicester area will come off sometime in the new"'"year. Supporting this idea comes Andy Davis and his":
   1 ;"It might be worthwhile hunting";
   1 ;"In this arcade adventure it is the aim to";
   1 ;"I'm only 32, hardly past-it, but I can look back over my own lifetime and see drastic changes of attitude. Some things"'"have changed for the better... You'll no longer see endless"'"Rambo games- you playing some soldier of fortune with God":
   1 ;"I won't go into details about the CHIC COMPUTER CLUB as"'"it is crap, as is FORMAT magazine - the supposed magazine for Spectrum and Sam Coupe owners (as long as you have a Coupe - if you don't have one, or intend buying one from"'"them, then they won't want anything to do with you)."''"There is much support out there for the Spectrum, you've"'"just got to put a few stamps on a few self addressed"'"envelopes (say hello) and you'll be suprised just how much."''"ADRESSES IN CLASSIFIEDS."
   1 ;"I sent off for some information (some seven years too late"'"by all accounts) and was delighted to recieve (free) the most recent edition and a copy of the ba
   1 ;"Goodbye to Dave 'Fudgepacker' Fountain, in true"'"Speccy mag style - gone onto greater things like PD demos and utilities. Actually, he just got bored shitless with SC which is fair enough! Back to"'"40K for this issue but look out for Novembers"'"issue 9 - It's going to be fucking monster!"
   1 ;"FISH is another real magazine to deal death to gnats, wood"'"lice and daddy long legs. Costing only 30p with a SAE it"'"weighs in at 14 A4 pages and is packed with text to read"'"and graphics from games etc. Very enjoyable. It even has its own supplement called FISH2 which comes on tape or +D and is free. I enjoyed the PBM section from issue 7 and will no"'"doubt soon be managing a football team or two in the"'"Pontins Better Homes and Vaginas league. Or something."
   1 ;"Despite the full solution being printed in many";
   1 ;"Been a bit slow lately for new (old) software coming in as"'"we were waiting on a +D arriving. No point in archiving new demos and utilities onto cassette if we've got to squirt the"'"bastards onto disk two weeks later. I've discovered a great"'"software shop in Scotland that is dead cheap so I'm looking forward to some new games to play soon."
   1 ;"As I'm now editor for Sinclair Classic there are going to be a few changes around here. Nothing too drastic of course, we shall still be the same mixture of in-your-face irreverance"'"and swearing.":
   1 ;"ALCHEMIST RESEARCH, 62 Tithe Barn Lane,"'"Woodhouse, Sheffield S13 7LN."'"PRISM PD, 13 Rodney Close, Rugby, CV22 7HJ."'"SPECTRUM UK, 28 Rockingham Drive, Melton"'"Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0LQ."'"OUTLET, 34 Saltersgate Drive, Leicester, LE4 3FF"'"FISH, 3 Station Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 5BP.":
   1 ;"A glance at Amiga and PC games proves that sexist attitude and imagery still sell rubbish products. The milestone of"'"Spectrum programming that was Samantha Fox Strip Poker- how we laughed. You could still watch Benny Hill or the"'"gormless Legs and Co from the sadness of your armchair."'"You can't do it now because we are much wiser and those"'"things were cringe inducing at best. The majority of com-"'"puter users will always be male but do we really have to"'"pander to this dour statistic?"
   1 ;"(paul, greenock)  >":
   1 ;"    ISSUE NUMBER 8"'"(1)  Editorial"'"(2)  Classic Software"'"(3)  Letters Page"'"(4)  Support Scene"'"(5)  Amandas Diary"'"(6)  The Feature"'"(7)  Competition"'"(8)  Classifieds";
   1 23638-82":
   1 23637+256*
   1 *5*5*5*5*5jUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjU